Your favorite articles on car care and repair in 2014

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Happy New Year! As we kick off 2015, we like to look at what car care information you found to be the most valuable in 2014.

In case you missed it during your busy year, here are the top 7 auto service articles from 2014:

7) 4 Reasons to Buy Tires from Hong Kong Auto Service instead of a Big Box Store: The straight scoop on why you are better off buying tires from us instead of the big boys.

6) Ideas for Summer Road Trip Destinations: Heading out for a weekend trip or summer driving vacation? Here are four of our close-to-home favorites.

5) How to Ready Your Car for Winter: Our 8-step checklist for making sure your car is ready for winter weather.

4) Yes, You CAN Save Money by Properly Maintaining Your Car: Wondering whether you should pay attention to those maintenance charts in your owner’s manual? The answer is, “Yes.” Here’s why.

3) Why Can’t My Brake Rotors Be Machined: It’s becoming more common than ever before to replace, rather than machine, your brake rotors. Here’s why.

2) The Truth about Free Maintenance on Your New Car: Here’s what you need to know about “free” maintenance plans and where they might fall short.

And our most popular car care article from 2014 was…

HongKongAutoService_Alignment1) 4 Signs You Need a Wheel Alignment | 6 Signs You Need Shocks or Struts: When winter gives way to warmer temps, the potholes open up and take their toll on your car’s shocks, struts and wheel alignment. Here are the telltale signs your vehicle has suffered pothole damage.

Looking forward to serving you and your family in 2015!

