
Why is My Air Conditioning Not Blowing Cool Air?

woman-hand-turning-on-air-conditioning-in-carOn a hot day, the inside of your car can heat up to triple digit temperatures in just 20 minutes (because of a greenhouse effect).

Before it gets to that point, you reach for your A/C controls, only to have it blow warm air in your face!

With the warm summer months ahead, now’s a great time to think about your car’s air conditioning before this happens to you.

A vehicle’s air conditioning (A/C) system is complicated, and there are a number of things that could cause it to keep from blowing cool air. So let’s talk about the most common reason your A/C might not be cooling as well as it should…

Low Refrigerant Due to Leaks

Low refrigerant is by far the most common reason your A/C system will blow warm air. But simply topping off the refrigerant won’t fix the problem. Here’s why: The refrigerant in your A/C system is under pressure, tightly sealed and circulates continuously through the system. Over time, the rubber seals and hoses that are part of the A/C system can lose their elasticity and result in refrigerant leaks. A leak causes a low level of refrigerant, resulting in a failure to cool properly. If you put more refrigerant into the A/C system without finding the source of the leak, the refrigerant is going escape again. You’ll be back to square one: A hot, uncomfortable car.

How to Diagnose the Air Conditioning Problem

To correctly diagnose the problem, your auto technician must locate the source of the leak. This is easier said than done. Many of these leaks are very small and difficult or impossible to see. In most cases, the diagnostic process starts with an A/C recharge. This involves removing the existing refrigerant in the system and replacing it with new refrigerant that has a tracer dye in it. The technician runs the A/C system to circulate the dye and uses a special UV light to help detect the exact site of the leak. If the leak can be found, then the hose or seal in question can be replaced.

Sometimes the leak is so small that it cannot be immediately detected, even with tracer dye. In these cases, the technician will still add refrigerant with tracer dye and ask the car owner to drive the car and use the A/C as needed until it starts to fail again. This could take days, weeks or even months to run its course. When the car owner brings the car back, the leak should be evident by where the dye shows up. Repairs can then be made.

What a Diagnosis Entails

At Hong Kong Auto Service our technicians will do a thorough assessment of your vehicle’s entire A/C system. This includes the recharge of your system, the tracer dye, checking all belts and lines for leaks, as well as inspecting the compressor and other components of the A/C system. A typical diagnosis of your A/C system is about $150. If further repairs are needed, we can then provide you with an estimate of those repairs.

And don’t forget, we stand behind every repair with a 3-year/36,000 mile warranty. It’s the best warranty in the business. So, if you need help keeping your cool this summer, contact the team at Hong Kong Auto Service to set up an appointment.