Want a Better Road Trip? This One Thing Almost Guarantees It

Top Tips for Saving on Gas on this Summer’s Road Trip

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Just when you thought it was safe to take a summer road trip, gas prices hit higher than ever status with no sign of slowing down anytime soon. 

If you’ve taken staycations the past two summers because of Covid and you finally thought this was the year for an epic road trip, gas prices may have you thinking twice. 

Don’t worry. There are a few steps that you can take so that gas prices don’t break the bank. 

Top Money-Saving Tips for a Stress-Free Road Trip

Road trips remain one of the best ways that families can not only form deeper bonds, but they are also the best way to see the country. 

You can save money and enjoy the scenery with the following: 

  1. Do a Pre-Trip Maintenance Check

Giving your vehicle the once over before you hit the road is not only the cheapest insurance you can buy to protect yourself from a breakdown, but it’s also the best way to make your car more thrifty when it comes to using gas. 

Having basic maintenance items changed, such as air filters, cabin filters, oil, and the filter, and having the tires properly inflated, will all help to reduce your car’s fuel costs. 

This is also a great way to fix any problems that might be thinking about making themselves a nuisance once you are on the highway. A thorough maintenance check includes inspecting the belts and hoses, checking that the A/C is fully charged and without leaks, and inspecting the condition of the anti-freeze, as well as the tires, battery, and brakes. 

Hong Kong Auto Service will be happy to inspect your vehicle before you take off, as well as perform any needed maintenance and repairs so you can drive off with confidence. 

  1. Check Gas Prices Before You Buy

There are numerous apps you can use (Such as Gas Buddy) that will keep you aware of local gas prices, as well as what gas prices are wherever it is that you’re headed. 

Gas is always the most expensive along the interstate, but with GPS and a gas app, you can find a less expensive gas station, often just a block or two away. 

Not only will you find less expensive gas, but you can see some of the sights and smaller towns that you may have missed otherwise. 

  1. Take it Easy

On the gas pedal, we mean. Try to coast to a stop and don’t make jackrabbit starts from a dead stop. Using cruise control (when safe to do so) and following the speed limit is another tried and true method of saving gas. 

Whenever possible, if you are driving through big cities, try to avoid rush hour. You can also check your planned route for construction closures, delays, detours, and road closures here.

  1. Pick the Right Vehicle

While some vehicles get better gas mileage than others, you wouldn’t want to take your Smart Car on a road trip with 4 kids. 

Consider how big a vehicle you actually need. Your Yukon may be super comfortable, but that V-8 really drinks the gas. Perhaps you can make do using your V-6 Nissan SUV? 

It’s also a good idea to pack only what you truly need. The more weight, the more strain on your motor. The more strain, the more gas you will use. 

Remove unnecessary roof racks, bike racks, and other sports equipment if you won’t be using them. You can increase your gas mileage by about 1 percent for every 12 pounds of weight that you remove, not to mention the gas you will save by improving aerodynamics. 

  1. Consider a Fuel Consumption Display

If your vehicle doesn’t have one, a fuel consumption display will help you keep good driving habits in mind. You can usually purchase an aftermarket display for less than $40. 

Many drivers consume 15 percent less fuel when they receive feedback from fuel consumption displays. Some families make a game out of trying to beat the other driver’s MPG. 

  1. Consider Changing Your Destination

While you probably can’t wait to get out of town, consider saving a small fortune in gas costs by taking a vacation that is closer to home.

Rather than drive 1600 miles to the Grand Canyon, for example, consider going to places that are closer to home, such as the Grand Tetons (1300 miles) or Custer State Park (900 miles), or even Mackinac Island (415 miles). 

By choosing a destination closer to home this year, you can save some major money on gas, even if you don’t do anything else. 

Have Fun! 

You don’t want to worry about gas prices so much that you stress out on your trip! 

The idea of a road trip is to relax and see the sights that you would miss on an airplane or train. 

Everyone wants to save money, but don’t pinch pennies to the point that they scream! Relax and enjoy this trip. You’ve earned it. 

We Can Help

At least 2 weeks before your scheduled road trip, you should make an appointment with the pros at Hong Kong Auto Service. 

Our ASE-Certified mechanics will inspect your car for any worn-out or concerning parts, check your tires and air pressure, as well as perform any required maintenance so you can drive with confidence. 

Allow at least two weeks just in case your vehicle requires parts that need to be ordered. This way you won’t be inconvenienced or need to change your vacation dates. 

Why not call the friendly staff at Hong Kong Auto Service right now, while you’re thinking about it? 

Nothing beats the peace of mind you’ll have knowing that you are saving as much money on gas as possible and that your vehicle is safe for your upcoming road trip. 

Have a terrific summer and remember to tell us where you went when we see you again!