Tag: hong kong auto service
Do I really need to change my transmission fluid?
Question: My SUV has about 75,000 miles on it, and when I took it to the dealer for a recall recently, they said I need to change the transmission fluid. Is that really a service I need? If so, why? Answer: Yes, servicing the transmission is a legitimate maintenance service, one that could save you $3,000… Read more
Why choose Hong Kong Auto Service for an oil change over a quick lube?
Question: A lot of places advertise oil changes for $14.95 or $19.95, and they promise to get me in and out in 15 to 20 minutes. Why should I pay more and wait for about an hour at your auto repair shop? Answer: Great question! It’s one we hear a lot. And I can see how… Read more
Being haunted by car noises? Take our Halloween quiz to find out how to banish the ghosts and goblins
It’s that time of year when we welcome the cool fall air, relish the colorful leaves…and start to be haunted by vehicle noises that, somehow, weren’t there all summer long. It’s okay! There’s no need to be spooked by scary sounds lurking under your hood. At Hong Kong Auto Service, we can drive away the most… Read more
Why outfit your foreign car with winter tires?
Installing snow tires on your import automobile is a hot idea for the cold weather. While you’re probably not going to drive your BMW on the Bavarian Alps any time soon, your vehicle equipped with snow tires will be able to easily handle any snow-covered roads in Wilmette. We understand the appeal of “all-season tires”:… Read more
Why does tire repair cost so much?
Question: I got a flat tire last weekend on Lake Shore Drive in the city and had to use a shop there to repair it. The cost was $40! Why was the repair so much? I remember paying $10 for a tire patch. —Deflated in Wilmette Answer: Well, years ago patching a tire was a 10-minute repair job.… Read more
6-point checklist to get your car ready for spring!
The winter season is finally behind us! However, the harsh cold and wintry mix from “Old Man Winter” may have caused long-term effects on your car. Frigid temperatures, potholes, road salt and more can to do a number on your vehicle. Some of the casualties caused by wintry conditions are wheels knocked out of alignment… Read more
Breathe easier with a new cabin air filter
Suffering from winter wheeze? You know…that raspy-hacky throat thing stemming from months of frigid temps, dry-as-desert home-heating systems and, perhaps, a skipped furnace filter swap (or two). Your car also could be a culprit…if it’s overdue for a cabin air filter change. Read more
Three reasons you may be cheating yourself with a quick oil change
Are quick oil change stations like drugstore reading glasses? We think so and here’s why: 1. Cheaters are a quick solution to an immediate need, reading things close-up when your vision is blurry. Nothing more. An oil change at an oil change station is a quick solution to the immediate need to keep your car’s… Read more
Top 12 family car games to keep the kids entertained all the way to Grandma's house
If you’re among the 43+ million gearing up for travel this Thanksgiving—90 percent of whom go by car—you’re likely to have oodles of quality family time on the road. And while DVDs are a godsend for many parents, holiday travel is also an ideal time to turn off the electronics and create fond family memories… Read more
Why you should choose Hong Kong Auto Service the next time you need tires
Did you slide through the end of last winter knowing you’d need tires before the snow flies again? Even though that first snowfall is a ways off yet (or so we hope), now is a good time to start gearing up for that pre-winter tire purchase. When you’re ready, Hong Kong Auto Service is here… Read more
Flushing brake fluids, is this a legitimate recommendation? Yes, here is why
Q: I recently had my oil changed at a repair shop in Wilmette, and as part of their inspection, they recommended that I flush my brake fluid. I’ve never heard of flushing brake fluid. Was this a legitimate recommendation? A: Yes, flushing brake fluid to remove dirty, contaminated fluid from the system is part of… Read more