Vehicle reliability

Strange Car Noises You Should Never Ignore

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Have you ever been driving and you are lost in your thoughts about how work would be, what you needed to do after work, and where you would get the money for this, that, and the other thing when suddenly, a noise interrupts your thoughts.  What is that strange noise your car is making? What does that mean?

You might be tempted to just turn up the radio to drown out that noise. Who can afford an expensive repair bill these days?! Maybe if you turn up the radio, that noise will just disappear. Your car is running fine, so it’s probably nothing, right?

It’s true that, sometimes, your car starts making a strange noise and it IS nothing. A stuck twig underneath the frame or a pebble stuck between the brake rotor and the brake pad. Most times, these things will fall out or wear away and the noise will disappear.

Unfortunately, it is also true that, oftentimes, your car is trying to tell you something and ignoring it means an even bigger repair bill down the road.

Here are five of the strange sounds you might hear your car making and what they could mean.

Strange Sound #1- Clunking Noises When You Drive Over Bumps

A clunking, low banging noise, or another type of noise when you drive over bumps can be a variety of issues, but the most common ones would be related to the front end. This means you might have worn out:

  • Sway bar links

  • Ball joints

  • Control arm bushings

  • Shock or strut bushings

This could also be nothing more than a loose exhaust part that needs a new U bolt to keep it in place.

Driving with bad front-end parts can be extremely dangerous. Bad ball joints, for example, can wear down so much that the tire can fall off the car.

We aren’t trying to scare you; we are simply making a point that this could eventually turn into a dangerous situation if you don’t address it promptly.

Bring your car into Hong Kong Auto Service for an inspection and we will let you know if it’s a broken exhaust bolt or a failing ball joint.

Strange Sound #2- Clicking or Clacking Sounds When Making Turns

Often, a clacking or clicking sound that occurs only at low speed when making a turn is the sign of a bad constant velocity joint, often referred to as a CV joint. Your car has 4 of them, both inner and outer on each wheel. These joints are protected from water and road debris by a rubber boot, called a CV boot. When the boot tears or wears down over time, it allows dirt, sand, tar, pebbles, and more to enter the joint and cause it to wear down. A torn boot also allows the grease in the joint to fall out. Sometimes the joint can be cleaned and have grease added and the boot replaced, but by the time you hear those clicking noises, the damage is probably already done, and the joint will need to be replaced.

Strange Sound #3- A Hissing or Whistling Sound from the Front of the Car

Some people like to joke about their whistling car or they say there must be a snake under the hood that wants out, but the truth is that many times a hissing or whistling sound from the front of the engine is a sign that the car is overheating or about to overheat.

Occasionally, a hissing sound can come from a cracked or broken vacuum line or a plastic joint that connects two rubber vacuum hoses.

Pay attention to when you hear this hissing or whistling sound. If you only hear it for the first few minutes when you start the motor, chances are that it’s a vacuum hose. If this sound happens after you’ve been driving for 10 miles or so, the car might be ready to overheat. Have your car inspected right away if you think it might be overheating, since this could cause major engine and even transmission trouble later.

Strange Sound #4- Squealing or Groaning Noises When You Make Turns

The power steering system in your car is what allows you to turn even a big SUV with one hand. This system works with hydraulic fluid, like the braking system. When the system is low on fluid, you might hear a deep, low groaning sound or a high-pitched squealing sound when you turn the wheel.

Check the power steering fluid level. You might simply be low on fluid, or you might have a leak from one of the two hoses in the system. Power steering pumps are very long-lasting, but they can wear out, especially if they are frequently run with very little fluid in the system. If your car uses a power steering belt, it might also be worn out or loose. Bring the car to Hong Kong Auto Service, and we will be happy to nail down the problem for you.

Strange Sound #5- A High Pitched Squealing from the Motor

While this can be several things, chances are that the problem is a drive belt. If you have an older car, you might have several belts, such as the fan belt, air conditioning belt, and power steering belt.

Most newer models use a single belt, called a serpentine belt, to operate all the systems. When the belt wears down, it can start to slip, causing it to make those awful squealing sounds. There are also small parts called tensioners and pulleys that are designed to keep the belt tight. Tensioners and the pulleys do wear out, however, and when they freeze up, they cause the belt to become very hot and squeal like a pig.

Don’t ignore having this sound checked out. If the belt breaks, your car will only run for another 5-15 minutes since the battery won’t be getting a charge from the alternator. It might also cause your car to overheat and ruin the motor.

The best thing you can do whenever you hear any strange noise is to bring the car to the professionals at Hong Kong Auto Service. We will be happy to tell you if your car simply needs new tires soon or if you need a vital part replaced.

Knowing what that strange noise is and having the problem taken care of will be the most cost-effective thing you can do. Turning up the radio will only end up hitting your pocketbook harder than a speed bump.

Call us today for an appointment. We are open during this COVID-19 crisis and we will be more than happy to serve you.