shocks and struts

6 Signs You Need New Shocks or Struts

shocks and strutsShocks and struts are important components of your car. Not just for comfort, but also for safety. They stabilize the up and down motion of your vehicle, help you steer, and keep your tires firmly on the ground.

The pounding your shocks and struts take on rough roads eventually causes them to wear out. And it’s common to notice signs of wear and tear in the Spring, when warm weather causes new potholes and road cracks to “spring” up.

How do You Know When to Replace your Shocks or Struts?

1. Feeling the Road Bumps

Your shocks and struts are designed to take the thump out of the bump. If you can “feel” the bumps in the road or your car has an unusual bounce on rough roads, it usually indicates that the shocks or struts need to be replaced.

2. Drifting When You Turn

If you feel a drifting or leaning motion while driving, this is usually a sign that the suspension system is no longer able to keep the car’s body stable during turns. This is a sign that the shocks or struts are wearing out.

3. Nose Dive or Rear End Dipping

Your car should be steady in the front and back at all times. But, when your shocks or struts need replacing, you might experience a nose dive on the front end of your car when you apply the brakes. When accelerating, you can get the opposite effect: a rear end dip. This is much like a boat when it accelerates in the water: the nose tips up, the back end dips.

4. Tires Have Uneven Tread Wear

When your shocks and struts are not doing their job, your tires are literally bouncing up and down as you drive. This leads to uneven wear or balding on certain areas of the tire and can be a clear sign that your suspension is in need of attention.

5. Leaking Shocks or Struts

Shocks and struts have hydraulic fluid in them, which helps to absorb the shock of road bumps. If you see wet or oily fluid on the outside of the shocks or struts, it means they’re leaking hydraulic fluid and need to be replaced.

6. Do the Bounce Test

If you suspect suspension problems, you can do your own test. With the engine off, press down on the front of the car with all your weight and let it go to see if it “bounces.” Do the same test on the rear of the car. If you push hard and it bounces more than a couple of times after you release it, it’s time to budget for new shocks or struts, possibly both.

Don’t Overlook Your Wheel Alignment

Even if your shocks and struts are up to snuff, spring is an ideal time to have your wheels rotated and balanced and to have your wheel alignment inspected. Rough Chicago roads can knock your alignment out of spec and wear your tires prematurely.  We recommend balancing the wheels and checking the alignment at least once per year.

At Hong Kong Auto Service, we do a thorough vehicle inspection with every service visit. If we see any signs of problems with your shocks or struts we’ll always let you know. But if you suspect a problem, we’re always glad to take a look for you. Contact us to schedule an appointment. Your safety is our number one priority.