
How to Keep You and Your Car Cool and Comfortable This Summer

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It feels as if we jump right from snow and ice to summer heat, don’t we? Especially this year! 

As we begin to approach the hot summer months ahead, one thing everyone wants to do is stay cool and comfortable, right?

The same is true with your car! No one wants to be stranded on the side of the road, roasting in the hot sun because their car overheated. 

You’re probably cringing right now just thinking about this scenario! 

How can you avoid this? There’s a 3- step way to keep you and your car from overheating this summer and it’s easier than you might think. 

Let’s Talk about the Air Conditioning

We love the ice-cold air conditioning in our homes and in our cars. Nothing feels better when the temps and humidity levels hit their peaks than to sit back and blast the A/C. 

If your air conditioning doesn’t seem as cold as it once did, if it smells funny, or if you aren’t getting the airflow that you once did, chances are that your A/C needs a maintenance check. 

Step 1- Inspect the A/C System

The extreme temps that we experience in the Chicago area really take a toll on the A/C system. 

Hoses and seals become brittle, shrink, and dry out over time. When this happens, the freon will also begin to seep out, even if you haven’t used the A/C all winter. 

Speaking of winter, if you haven’t used the A/C to defrost the windows, then there could be a buildup of fungus and mold growing inside the A/C parts. 

Air conditioning systems have a component called a receiver/drier. This part removes moisture and helps to prevent mold from growing. 

Yes, mold loves to show up in just about any place where there is moisture and no airflow. Sounds like the inside of A/C hoses is the perfect place for mold or fungus to call home! 

If your A/C smells funny, this could be the reason why. 

The pros at Hong Kong Auto Service will inspect the entire air conditioning system to ensure that there are no leaks. They will operate the system to check that it is running at the proper temperature, listen for signs of a compressor that might not be working properly, and clean the condenser so it is free from bugs, twigs, leaves, and other debris. 

We will also check the belt to be sure that it is in good condition and is properly adjusted. 

If the system needs repair or recharging, our ASE-Certified mechanics have the tools and the knowledge to get your A/C back in proper working order so you can enjoy frosty cold air this summer. 

Step 2- Inspect the Cabin Filter

You may not even know that your vehicle has a cabin filter and that it must be changed regularly.

Don’t worry, many people are unaware of this important part of the A/C system. 

This filter cleans the air that goes inside the car, known as the cabin. Outside air, as well as your air conditioning, all pass air through this filter, to remove allergens, dust, pollen, insects, and other debris. 

This means cleaner, cooler air for you and your passengers. 

When this filter becomes very dirty or plugged, it no longer allows air to flow freely into the cabin. If the air seems cold but you don’t have much airflow, the cabin filter might be plugged with dust. 

Our mechanics know where your cabin filter is and they will inspect and/or replace it so that your family gets clean, filtered air inside the cabin. 

Step 3- Coolant Flushes/Inspection

 Now that you and your family are staying cool with a good working A/C system, we want to focus on keeping your car’s engine cool. 

Coolant, sometimes called anti-freeze, is a dual-purpose fluid that keeps your car cool in the summer and prevents it from freezing up in the winter. 

Unfortunately, coolant does not last forever and it needs to be removed completely from the radiator and the motor. 

You can check your owner’s manual for the suggested time frame for flushing the coolant. Most vehicles can expect a coolant flush about every other year or 30,000 miles. 

If your vehicle uses silicate coolant, then you can safely go 5 years or about 100,000 miles. 

If you aren’t sure what your vehicle needs, ask the experts at Hong Kong Auto Service. 

Our master mechanics will be happy to check your coolant, add the correct coolant for your vehicle, and check the entire cooling system for leaks. 

We will also inspect the belts, hoses, and operation of the thermostat and water pump to ensure that you won’t be one of those stranded on the highway this summer! 

Keep in mind that not all coolant is the same, but you don’t need to worry about that. Our skilled mechanics know exactly what type of coolant your make and model uses, as well as how to mix it correctly. 

This really is the simplest way to avoid overheating. Having the cooling system inspected and flushing the coolant every other year is quick and easy, not to mention the cheapest insurance you can buy to prevent an overheating disaster! 

That’s All You Need to Do! 

Keeping you and your car cool this summer is as easy as 1-2-3! 

Call Hong Kong Auto Service today for an appointment and we will inspect your vehi8cle so that you can avoid overheating! 

It’s a great feeling to just sit back and let the pros take care of your vehicle while you gain priceless peace of mind. 

Got a road trip coming up? Be sure to make an appointment at least two weeks before your trip so that if parts must be ordered, there is plenty of time to receive them so that your trip isn’t interrupted. 

Avoid overheating your family or your car by letting the pros at Hong Kong Auto Service check your air conditioning system and cooling system today.