No one has to tell you that gas prices have skyrocketed to what are in many places record-setting levels. While it appears that prices might be on the way down, with the uncertainty of current world events, who knows if they will ever return to the low prices of 2021.
It doesn’t matter if you are a CEO or a student, everyone feels the pinch at the pump.
Did you know that there are tools you can use that will not only help you find the cheapest gas prices no matter where you are but ways that you can save gas every time you start up your ride.
There are lots of myths as to how to save gas, and we’ll try to bust some of those in today’s article as well.
Let’s talk about gas and how you can save a few bucks.
How to Find the Cheapest Gas Near You
Hopefully, you have a smartphone so that you can take advantage of the many applications that are available that track and monitor current gas prices.
The best apps that will help you find the cheapest gas at a station near you, whether you are at home, work, or traveling, include:
- GasBuddy- This is probably the biggest and best-known app. In addition to showing you gas prices near your location, they also feature a weekly drawing for a $100 gas gift card for users who frequently post the price of stations they go to. Everyone who posts at least 6 gas prices each week is eligible for the drawing.
- Gas Guru- If you don’t want to enter gas prices at stations you visit, Gas Guru does the work for you.
- Waze- This app not only tells you about gas prices but will also direct you to cheaper, off-the-beaten-path gas stations that you may not know about. Waze gets its info from users, but this is also a terrific service for those who want to know about accidents or traffic jams in the area.
- Dash- This one is a bit different in that it isn’t an app, but a small device that plugs into any vehicle 1996 and later. It not only monitors your vehicle (how much gas your vehicle is using, what that Check Engine light might mean) but also reports gas prices in your area.
- MapQuest- This app also lets you choose your favorite stations and then tells you where the cheapest gas stations are located, however, if you want directions to those stations, you will also need to download the MapQuest GPS app.
There are other apps, but these are some of the most popular, and for good reason. Most of these offer features that can be useful even if you aren’t looking for gas.
How to Save Gas Every Time You Drive
When you were learning to drive, someone may have told you that you can save gas if you put your vehicle in neutral and coast downhill (both automatic and standard transmission) or that you should shift into neutral at a stoplight if you have an automatic trans.
This is one myth that needs to go. You will not save gas if you put the car in neutral. This is especially true if your vehicle has an automatic transmission. Next time you are at a stoplight, look at the RPM while the vehicle is in drive. Now shift into neutral and see what the RPM is. Not only are you putting extra wear and tear on the shifting linkage, BUT the RPM is ALSO higher in neutral, so you aren’t saving any gas.
Want to know sure-fire ways to save gas?
- Keep Your Vehicle Well Maintained. It’s the little things that add up and use more gas than necessary such as worn-out spark plugs, emission sensors, plugged and dirty filters, and tires that are underinflated. Trust the experts at Hong Kong Auto Service to keep your car in the best, most fuel-efficient running condition to get the most out of every drop.
- Slow Down. Yeah, no one likes to hear this one, but that doesn’t change the fact that slowing down is one of the best ways to save gas. Give yourself extra time and try doing the speed limit or even 5MPH below.
- Don’t rabbit start from a dead stop. Many people have a habit of stomping on the gas pedal the instant the light turns green. Yes, you may get a car length ahead, but you can almost hear your engine take a big gulp of gas to give you the power you are demanding. Take off slow and steady to save a ton of gas.
- Don’t slam on the brakes. This is another habit many people develop as they drive. If you can see that traffic ahead of you is slowing or is stopped, or if the light is red, don’t keep your foot on the gas and then slam on your brakes to stop. Next time, simply take your foot off the gas. That’s it. Coast up to the stop. You are going to stop regardless so why not save your brakes and save a little gas at the same time?
- Make “Avoid the Brake” your new game. Sometimes you can’t avoid stop-and-go traffic. Rather than play the Punch and Brake game (where you punch the gas pedal then step on the brakes to stop just in time) make a game out of coasting. It doesn’t matter if you are going 2MPH, just coast along and try your best to NOT hit that brake pedal. Remember that a car in motion tends to stay in motion and every time you hit the brake, you will probably need to hit the gas as well to get going. Make this a game and see how many minutes you can go without stepping on the brake or the gas.
- Maintain a steady speed. If you are on the highway, use cruise control if it is safe to do so. When your speed fluctuates, you use more gas.
- Don’t carry unnecessary weight. In the spring and summer, you can remove any kitty litter that you keep in the back for traction, as well as anything else you don’t need.
- Remove roof racks/bike racks/other items. As with the point above, if you don’t need them and they are removable, streamlining your vehicle by removing these items can save you as much as 20 percent on the highway.
- Use the A/C sparingly. Everyone loves A/C, but it does make your car use more gas. Turn on the ventilation system with the windows closed or turn on the A/C for a few minutes, then turn it off. If you have a temperature control system, set it a bit higher to help save gas.
- Plan your route. When running errands, try to avoid backtracking. Map out your errands to save the most gas or take advantage of delivery services or ask a friend/coworker/family member to do an errand for you if they are already driving.
There are lots of other tricks to save gas, including driving less. The most fuel-efficient car is one that isn’t running! Try to use public transportation, a bicycle, walk, or car-pool.
Need Help?
If you can’t remember when your vehicle last had a tune-up, if you want to be certain that your vehicle is running as efficiently as possible, or if your Check Engine light is on, call the experts at Hong Kong Auto Service.
The ASE-certified mechanics at Hong Kong Auto Service know what your vehicle needs to make it a gas sipper, not a gas guzzler. We can keep your vehicle in tip-top shape no matter how old or new it is.
Call us today for an appointment and start saving on gas today!