Are you hitting the road for the holidays this year and need some ideas to keep everyone entertained? We’ve got you covered with tips for toddlers to teenagers and parents to boot to make this year’s holiday road trip successful.
Perk Up Their Ears
If you are planning a long trip, it’s a good idea to mix up the entertainment. Try these ideas to focus on stimulating your family’s auditory skills:
- Audio books for every age are available for download on several free sites including Librivox , Loyal Books and Storynory.
- Podcasts are another option to keep everyone entertained. Some of our favorites include: This American Life (a National Public Radio show that features everything from personal stories to stand up comedy); a sci-fi adventure called The Alien Adventures of Finn Caspian (which is fun for younger children); and The Past and the Curious (which features little-known stories with an historical twist).
- Music Play Lists are unique to every family. Why not create a list all together that keeps everyone in the car humming along or bursting out in song? We guarantee that every time you hear that playlist, it will remind you of this road trip for years to come.
Get Crafty
As you set out on your trip, give the kids craft supplies that they wouldn’t normally have access to. The new items will keep their attention a little longer than usual, and they may come up with some unique designs that will surprise you.
- Tell A Story: Felt-board stories are an inexpensive, easy-to-assemble DIY craft that will keep little ones busy in the back of the car. Before the trip, cut out familiar shapes that children can manipulate on a felt-covered board. Your kids can keep the boards on their laps, or you can attach them to the back of the seat.
- Get Magnetic: If your kids like to build, give them a clean cookie sheet or jelly roll pan that they can place on their laps, along with magnets of various shapes and types. There are many kinds of sets that they can use to create two-dimensional and three-dimensional structures. An old-fashioned metal lunch box is the perfect carrying case for magnets.
- Window Marker Games: Switch up the traditional games of tic-tac-toe and hangman by using window markers instead of regular paper and pen. You can also draw pictures or write friendly messages for the cars you pass by on the highway. These special window markers are washable so you don’t have to worry about hurting your car.
Make the Most of Your Rest Stops
Rest stops can be more than a just time to fuel up and take bathroom breaks. With a little pre-planning, you can take advantage of stopping at destinations along the way.
- Nearby Parks: Being cooped up in the car for hours can take a toll. Download the free app called Playground Buddy. Whenever you need to take a break, use the app to find a playground that is near your route so everyone can stretch their legs.
- Local Flavor: With more than 100 episodes of this popular Food Network show, you are bound to pass near a restaurant featured on Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives . If one of those locations isn’t in the cards, use Yelp or Trip Advisor to source local food favorites.
- College Visit: Have older kids? If you are passing by a college or university en route to your final destination, fit in a quick stop to walk around the campus. Though students might not be their due to the holiday break, you can at least take a look at the layout of the buildings and get a feel for the surrounding community.
If you are looking for some other ideas for a long car ride, check out our 12 Days of Fun Family Car Games: Traditional vs. iPads article for games you can play with your kids in the car. And remember, before you leave, it’s important to schedule a time to have your tires, fluids and filters checked out.
Give us a call at 847-251-0300 or set up your appointment online. We want to make sure your car will be safe and reliable for your holidays travels!