Category: Travel
Top Tips for Saving on Gas on this Summer’s Road Trip
Just when you thought it was safe to take a summer road trip, gas prices hit higher than ever status with no sign of slowing down anytime soon. If you’ve taken staycations the past two summers because of Covid and you finally thought this was the year for an epic road trip, gas prices may… Read more
Top 5 National Park Vacays That You Can Drive To
If you and your family are experiencing cabin fever after being quarantined at home for the better part of a year (or longer for some!) then you know what you need- a vacation! There are still plenty of travel restrictions and if you’ve got young children, you have further restrictions because there is no vaccine… Read more
9 Ways to Keep Your Family Entertained on Your Holiday Road Trip
Are you hitting the road for the holidays this year and need some ideas to keep everyone entertained? We’ve got you covered with tips for toddlers to teenagers and parents to boot to make this year’s holiday road trip successful. Perk Up Their Ears If you are planning a long trip, it’s a good idea to… Read more
Hitting the road this holiday season? How to make sure your car is ready for the trip
Thanksgiving is one of the busiest holidays on the highway. Whether you’re heading north to Wisconsin or west to Iowa, make sure your car is up to the task. Nothing puts a damper on a holiday trip like an unexpected breakdown. Practical Items First – Scheduling For your own benefit, we recommend scheduling your pre-trip… Read more
Fun family car games for your summer travels
Everyone who has ever taken a trip with kids knows that in addition to snacks, entertainment for the journey is a must. One way to keep the “are we there yet?” questioning to a minimum is to keep everyone’s attention diverted with games and activities. And while hand-held video games and portable DVD players can… Read more
Get your vehicle in shape for summer road trips!
It’s May, which means Memorial Day is right around the corner. Memorial Day means cookouts and parades, and it also means the beginning of summer road trip season. After a long winter, your vehicle needs some TLC before heading out. Here are some suggestions for getting your car road worthy and ready for a long… Read more
Braving a breakdown: How and why to arm young drivers with car care basics
Teen driving safety is often a hot topic this time of year, with graduation parties, last hurrahs with friends, and college preparations in the air. While safety and making smart choices are two key topics, there’s another important matter that hit home recently when I stopped for gas 7 hours into a 9-hour trip. As… Read more