Category: oil changes
Keeping Your Engine Happy: The Importance of Oil Changes
Let’s talk about one of the simplest yet most crucial maintenance tasks for your beloved vehicle: Fall Oil Changes! Regular oil changes are like a spa day for your car’s engine. Here’s why they’re so essential: **Cold Weather Impact:** Cold temperatures can affect the viscosity of your engine oil. Thicker oil in cold weather can… Read more
Be Aware of Your Car- Check Out This Important Spring Maintenance List
This winter was a harsh one, wasn’t it? Sometimes it feels like they get worse every year. Every Chicagoan is waiting for those beautiful spring and summer months and guess who else is waiting? Your car, truck, or SUV. Old man winter really gives our vehicles a kick in the bumper and it’s not surprising… Read more
Dashboard Lights: What Do They Mean and Why Should I Care?
Oh, those annoying dash lights. One minute, your car is running fine, the tunes are good, and life is smiling at you and then some symbol pops up on the dash and you don’t know what it means. Is this something serious? Do you need to take the car in right away? Can this be… Read more
9 Simple Maintenance Tips That Can Change Everything
Can you believe that summer, and those blistering temperatures, are almost here? While the year is almost halfway gone, after the last year of quarantine and craziness, most people can only think of one thing: summer vacation. If you are planning on driving to your vacation, summertime maintenance on your vehicle is more important now… Read more
Three Things Every Car Owner Must Understand about Oil Changes
Doing an oil change on your car used to be the simplest thing ever. Every 3,000 miles or so, you would drain the oil into a pan, add a new filter, and refill the motor with whatever type of oil your dad or mom told you was best. End of story. Things are not that… Read more
Should I use synthetic oil in my car?
Question: My brother swears by synthetic oil for his truck, but he also tows a boat with it in the summer. I’ve always used regular old engine oil for my sedan. Now that it has about 60,000 miles on it, I’m wondering if I should switch to synthetic oil. Is there a benefit to that? Answer: The timing… Read more
Why choose Hong Kong Auto Service for an oil change over a quick lube?
Question: A lot of places advertise oil changes for $14.95 or $19.95, and they promise to get me in and out in 15 to 20 minutes. Why should I pay more and wait for about an hour at your auto repair shop? Answer: Great question! It’s one we hear a lot. And I can see how… Read more
Three reasons you may be cheating yourself with a quick oil change
Are quick oil change stations like drugstore reading glasses? We think so and here’s why: 1. Cheaters are a quick solution to an immediate need, reading things close-up when your vision is blurry. Nothing more. An oil change at an oil change station is a quick solution to the immediate need to keep your car’s… Read more
Slick advice: How to check your oil
To say engine oil is to a vehicle what blood is to the human body wouldn’t be an overstatement. Without oil keeping an engine at proper temperature and well-lubricated, the moving parts would grind against one another, causing the engine to freeze up and stop working and, literally, have a meltdown. Dirty oil contributes to… Read more