Category: Maintenance / Preventive Maintenance
What's that light mean? Clogged air filter triggers this dashboard light
There are a number of dashboard warning lights in your vehicle that can pop on at any minute. Everyone knows what the oil light and battery light are for, but a lot of others are puzzling and require pulling out the owners’ manual. To help make things a little more clear, we take time each… Read more
Want an oil change with tons of benefits? Come to Hong Kong Auto Service
Question: A lot of places advertise oil changes for $9.95, $12.95 and other super-low prices. Why should I pay more at your shop? Answer: Oil changes are one of life’s necessities, at least if you own or lease a vehicle. Whether you get one at 3,000 miles, 4,000 miles or more, your car deserves to… Read more
Our 5 top tips for maximizing tire life
Ensuring your tires are up to snuff is vital for the safety of you and your passengers. Not only that, tires that are in poor condition or underinflated have a serious drag on your vehicle’s gas mileage. Those considerations, plus the cost of new tires—a full four-tire replacement will cost hundreds of dollars and can… Read more
Guard against the guzzle: Gas-saving guidelines
Gas ain’t cheap. Talk about stating the obvious, right? Chicago’s gas prices started the New Year at around $3.55 for a gallon of regular, hit $3.73 mid-January, and then finished the month at $3.60. And within the past week, the price jumped 32 cents a gallon, up to $3.92 in the Chicago area. The national… Read more
Slick advice: How to check your oil
To say engine oil is to a vehicle what blood is to the human body wouldn’t be an overstatement. Without oil keeping an engine at proper temperature and well-lubricated, the moving parts would grind against one another, causing the engine to freeze up and stop working and, literally, have a meltdown. Dirty oil contributes to… Read more
Money Maker: 10 ways to save gas with vehicle maintenance
With gas prices climbing steadily, it’s easy to feel powerless at the pump. But we’re here to show you how to save real dollars—not pennies—by keeping on top of these fuel-robbing basic maintenance items: Time for a tune-up? Worn spark plugs, plug wires, and other faulty ignition parts reduce your car’s ability to clean and… Read more