Category: Inspections
2024 Road Trip Resolutions
As the new year approaches, so does the promise of adventure on the open road. With a sense of wanderlust in the air, many find themselves dreaming of the perfect road trip—a journey filled with scenic vistas, unexpected detours, and unforgettable memories. As we set our sights on the horizon, let us make resolutions not… Read more
Dashboard Lights: What Do They Mean and Why Should I Care?
Oh, those annoying dash lights. One minute, your car is running fine, the tunes are good, and life is smiling at you and then some symbol pops up on the dash and you don’t know what it means. Is this something serious? Do you need to take the car in right away? Can this be… Read more
Brakes, Belts, Bearings, Why Should I Worry?
Someone once said that if it has wheels, belts, or brakes then you will have trouble with it eventually. Turns out that whoever said that they weren’t all that far off! While brakes, belts, and wheel bearings may not be the most exciting subject in the world, you will certainly take more interest if one… Read more
Three reasons you may be cheating yourself with a quick oil change
Are quick oil change stations like drugstore reading glasses? We think so and here’s why: 1. Cheaters are a quick solution to an immediate need, reading things close-up when your vision is blurry. Nothing more. An oil change at an oil change station is a quick solution to the immediate need to keep your car’s… Read more
Vehicle making ghoulish noises? Use our checklist to get to bottom of those haunting sounds
Are you one of those adults who loves Halloween? If so, you’re in good company. A recent study shows that 68% of adults celebrate Halloween, and if you’re one of them, you’re probably already pulling together the props and materials for this year’s perfect costume. But as you’re driving from Wilmette to Chicago in search… Read more
Planning a driving vacation? How to make sure your car is ready for summer travels
Think about your last family vacation. You packed clothes for any weather you might encounter and enough snacks to survive a zombie apocalypse, programmed your GPS and took your dog to the kennel. But did you spend any time making sure your vehicle was ready for the long haul as you wave goodbye to Wilmette for a… Read more