Category: Check Engine Light
Hong Kong Auto Services Guide to Scary Car Lights and Noises
As a car owner, there’s nothing more unsettling than seeing a mysterious warning light on your dashboard or hearing an unusual noise coming from under the hood. These eerie signs often appear out of nowhere, turning an ordinary drive into a nerve-wracking experience. But fear not! In this guide, we’ll help you understand these scary… Read more
Decoding the Mystery: What Does My Check Engine Light Mean?
Have you ever been driving along, enjoying the open road, when suddenly, out of nowhere, that ominous little light on your dashboard pops up? Yes, that’s right—the dreaded check engine light. It’s a signal that something isn’t quite right under the hood, but decoding exactly what it means can be a mystery to many drivers.… Read more
Dashboard Lights: What Do They Mean and Why Should I Care?
Oh, those annoying dash lights. One minute, your car is running fine, the tunes are good, and life is smiling at you and then some symbol pops up on the dash and you don’t know what it means. Is this something serious? Do you need to take the car in right away? Can this be… Read more
Top 5 Most Common Auto Repairs in the Midwest
Each year, CarMD conducts a national auto repair study to determine average repair costs, top repairs my model year and even the Most Common “Check Engine” Light Repairs. While we may find it way more fun to dig into the data than many of you, here is information we think will be helpful for you.… Read more
What you need to know about your “Low Tire Pressure” warning light
For those of us who dread long, cold and dreary Chicago winters, the mid-February thaw we had was a sunny and joyful reprieve. But sudden and extreme swings in the air temperature can also trigger a dashboard warning light that many of us might not recognize: A glowing orange or red “Low Tire Pressure” indicator.… Read more
You can crack the dashboard lights code
Q. I am worried my college-age students might not recognize the warning lights on the dashboard or not pay attention to them at all. Can you provide me with a quick guide to dashboard lights? A. As your kids head off to college, it is important to “school” them on what all the dashboard… Read more
What it takes to diagnose that “Check Engine” light
Lights we like: strong high beams, assertive signals and gently illuminated speedometers and fuel gauges. The not-so-welcome list: amber, yellow or red lights announcing “Check Engine,” “Service Engine Soon,” “Check” or “SES”—often with a neon-like automobile-engine outline. Don’t sweat it. The infamous and somewhat vague Check Engine light actually is relatively benign vs. other warning… Read more
Go green to save money, help the Earth
When you think about taking care of the environment, cars and trucks probably don’t jump to the top of your “green” list. But there are a variety of ways that drivers can get on the green bandwagon. Getting your car serviced regularly is one of the most important things you can do to minimize emissions… Read more
Check engine light on? It could be a fuel system pressure issue
Your car’s “Check Engine” or “Service Engine Soon” light can flash on for more than 1,400 different reasons. The light is part of your vehicle’s on-board diagnostics (OBD) system and can indicate anything from a quick fix like a loose gas cap to a major repair like a catalytic converter. And here’s another example of… Read more
Service Engine light on? We'll help you pass the emissions test!
Question: I need to take my car in for an emissions test, but the Service Engine light has been on for some time. I’ve been told my car won’t pass. Is that true? What happens if my car fails the test? Answer: Yes, you are correct: Your car cannot pass the emissions test when the Check… Read more
'Check engine' light can be triggered by escaping fuel vapors
Your car’s “Check Engine” or “Service Engine Soon” light can flash on for more than 1,400 different reasons. The light is part of your vehicle’s on-board diagnostics (OBD) system and can indicate anything from a quick fix like a loose gas cap to a major repair like a catalytic converter. And here’s another example of… Read more
Slick advice: How to check your oil
To say engine oil is to a vehicle what blood is to the human body wouldn’t be an overstatement. Without oil keeping an engine at proper temperature and well-lubricated, the moving parts would grind against one another, causing the engine to freeze up and stop working and, literally, have a meltdown. Dirty oil contributes to… Read more