Category: Brakes
The Art of Stopping: ABS and Braking Systems Explained
When it comes to driving, the ability to go fast is exhilarating, but stopping efficiently is critical. This brings us to the unsung heroes of automotive safety: braking systems and, more specifically, Anti-lock Braking Systems (ABS). In this blog, we’ll explore the evolution of braking technology, the mechanics of ABS, and why mastering the art… Read more
Auto Maintenance for Batteries, Belts, and Brakes
As the temperature drops and winter approaches, it’s crucial to ensure that your vehicle is in top-notch condition to navigate the challenging weather conditions that lie ahead. Among the most critical aspects of winter auto maintenance are your vehicle’s batteries, belts, and brakes. Let’s dive into why these components are essential and what you can… Read more
Let’s Talk about Your Vehicle’s Shoes
There are more makes and models of cars on the road today than ever before. Regardless of their size, shape, or manufacturer, one thing every car, truck, and SUV has in common is that they all have “shoes.” By shoes, we mean the tires, brakes, shocks, and struts. These are very important items that not… Read more
Be Aware of Your Car- Check Out This Important Spring Maintenance List
This winter was a harsh one, wasn’t it? Sometimes it feels like they get worse every year. Every Chicagoan is waiting for those beautiful spring and summer months and guess who else is waiting? Your car, truck, or SUV. Old man winter really gives our vehicles a kick in the bumper and it’s not surprising… Read more
Dashboard Lights: What Do They Mean and Why Should I Care?
Oh, those annoying dash lights. One minute, your car is running fine, the tunes are good, and life is smiling at you and then some symbol pops up on the dash and you don’t know what it means. Is this something serious? Do you need to take the car in right away? Can this be… Read more
Why Flushing Old Fluids is More Important to Your Car Than You Think
Have you ever had a mechanic tell you that your car needed some type of fluid flushed out and replaced? You may have thought “What a scam”, only to find out later that it wasn’t a scam? Maybe you did the recommended flush, but you wondered if it was really necessary. In today’s article, we… Read more
9 Simple Maintenance Tips That Can Change Everything
Can you believe that summer, and those blistering temperatures, are almost here? While the year is almost halfway gone, after the last year of quarantine and craziness, most people can only think of one thing: summer vacation. If you are planning on driving to your vacation, summertime maintenance on your vehicle is more important now… Read more
Brakes, Belts, Bearings, Why Should I Worry?
Someone once said that if it has wheels, belts, or brakes then you will have trouble with it eventually. Turns out that whoever said that they weren’t all that far off! While brakes, belts, and wheel bearings may not be the most exciting subject in the world, you will certainly take more interest if one… Read more
What Every Driver Should Know about the ABS on Their Vehicle
We Chicagoans do love our cars, don’t we? Especially in the slush-fest that describes a typical Chicago winter. Staying warm and dry inside our cars when those howling winds and swirling snows hit is a sheer delight. Driving in these conditions, however, is another story. Everyone has at least one hair-raising tale that involves ice,… Read more
Why Do I Have Squeaky Brakes, Even Though The Pads are New?
We had a new client come in this week because her brakes were squeaking. She just had new pads and rotors installed about 6 months ago, and she was a bit frustrated and concerned about what was happening. Unfortunately, brake noise and dust is not all that unusual, even when it’s so soon after a… Read more
Get your car winter ready | Wilmette
Before we know it, winter will be here. After last year, we’re dreading another record-setter for snow fall and low temps. Even though we might not be ready to face the cold reality, what about your car? It needs to be ready for the first snowfall or icy blast of arctic air. New tires, testing… Read more
Why do I need new brake rotors?
One of our most popular articles from the past year was one that addressed a common question: Why does it seem like I need new brake rotors with every brake job? Most of us learned to drive when it was the norm to “turn” the rotors, also known as machining the rotors, when we needed… Read more