Category: Auto Service
Help! Know when to pull over ASAP and when it's OK to continue on your way
When most of us learned to drive, there were three dashboard indicators we needed to be aware of: the battery light, the engine temperature gauge and the oil light. And if the oil light came on, we knew it was serious and that we needed to pull over immediately. Today’s sophisticated cars light up like… Read more
How to prevent the scorching heat from leaving you stranded
While we may feel plagued by the recent streak of stifling heat and thick humidity, the extreme temps also take a toll on your car. Aged or worn components are more likely to fail in hot weather than in cold, and you may not want to learn the hard way where “the weakest link” is… Read more
Braving a breakdown: How and why to arm young drivers with car care basics
Teen driving safety is often a hot topic this time of year, with graduation parties, last hurrahs with friends, and college preparations in the air. While safety and making smart choices are two key topics, there’s another important matter that hit home recently when I stopped for gas 7 hours into a 9-hour trip. As… Read more
Money Maker: 10 ways to save gas with vehicle maintenance
With gas prices climbing steadily, it’s easy to feel powerless at the pump. But we’re here to show you how to save real dollars—not pennies—by keeping on top of these fuel-robbing basic maintenance items: Time for a tune-up? Worn spark plugs, plug wires, and other faulty ignition parts reduce your car’s ability to clean and… Read more
Top web sites, phone apps for finding the lowest gas prices
With local gas prices pushing $4.25 and $4.50, a trip to the gas pump these days can be a sickening event. And while we can reduce unnecessary trips and running around town, we’ll still eventually have to fill up. To make it as easy on your wallet as possible, try these web sites to find… Read more
9 ways to maximize your fuel economy
If you’ve had sticker shock at the fuel pump lately, rest assured that you’re not alone. Prices at the local pumps are among the highest in the nation, and at $4 per gallon, now’s an ideal time to make sure you’re maximizing your fuel economy. Short of trading in your minivan for a Mini Cooper,… Read more