Category: Auto Service
Consumers prefer independent auto shops to their new car dealers
Consumers prefer independent auto repair shops like Hong Kong Auto Service over new car dealers, according to an annual survey from Consumer Reports. In the annual survey, conducted by the Consumer Reports National Research Center, independent auto shops outscored dealership service departments for overall satisfaction, price, quality, courteousness of the staff, and work being completed when… Read more
Driving escapes to lift the winter blues
If the idea of 6 more weeks of winter has you feeling blue, here are 6 of our favorite Midwest driving getaways to help you warm your spirits until spring arrives: Ski and snowshoe on the St. Croix River: Looking for somewhere new to ski or snowshoe? Check out the St. Croix River in Minnesota’s… Read more
How to save big with a little preventive maintenance
Question: I change the oil in my car every 3,000 – 3,500 miles, and I regularly have the tires rotated. But then I hear auto experts like you talking about “properly maintaining my car.” What kind of car maintenance is required beyond oil changes and tire rotations, and do I really need to spend the… Read more
Your favorite articles on car care and repair in 2014
Happy New Year! As we kick off 2015, we like to look at what car care information you found to be the most valuable in 2014. In case you missed it during your busy year, here are the top 7 auto service articles from 2014: 7) 4 Reasons to Buy Tires from Hong Kong Auto… Read more
Top 12 family car games to keep the kids entertained all the way to Grandma's house
If you’re among the 43+ million gearing up for travel this Thanksgiving—90 percent of whom go by car—you’re likely to have oodles of quality family time on the road. And while DVDs are a godsend for many parents, holiday travel is also an ideal time to turn off the electronics and create fond family memories… Read more
Painfully obvious, 'helpful' tips from today's car owner's manuals
Have you ever joked about some consumer warnings that seem blatantly obvious? We’re thinking of the very cautious, “Don’t use the hairdryer in the bathtub,” or the lesser known, “Do not put any person into this washer.” It seems carmakers have jumped on the bandwagon and are dumbing down their vehicle owner’s manuals. “If the… Read more
Why do I need new brake rotors?
One of our most popular articles from the past year was one that addressed a common question: Why does it seem like I need new brake rotors with every brake job? Most of us learned to drive when it was the norm to “turn” the rotors, also known as machining the rotors, when we needed… Read more
Flushing brake fluids, is this a legitimate recommendation? Yes, here is why
Q: I recently had my oil changed at a repair shop in Wilmette, and as part of their inspection, they recommended that I flush my brake fluid. I’ve never heard of flushing brake fluid. Was this a legitimate recommendation? A: Yes, flushing brake fluid to remove dirty, contaminated fluid from the system is part of… Read more
How to save money on auto repair
I think it’s safe to say we’re all a little more money-conscious today than we were a decade ago. And while spending more carefully is often for the better, this philosophy can backfire if you regularly choose an auto repair shop based on the lowest quoted price. Going for the “cheapest” auto repair generally gives… Read more
Fun family car games for your summer travels
Everyone who has ever taken a trip with kids knows that in addition to snacks, entertainment for the journey is a must. One way to keep the “are we there yet?” questioning to a minimum is to keep everyone’s attention diverted with games and activities. And while hand-held video games and portable DVD players can… Read more
Planning a driving vacation? How to make sure your car is ready for summer travels
Think about your last family vacation. You packed clothes for any weather you might encounter and enough snacks to survive a zombie apocalypse, programmed your GPS and took your dog to the kennel. But did you spend any time making sure your vehicle was ready for the long haul as you wave goodbye to Wilmette for a… Read more