Category: Auto repair
Dashboard Lights: What Do They Mean and Why Should I Care?
Oh, those annoying dash lights. One minute, your car is running fine, the tunes are good, and life is smiling at you and then some symbol pops up on the dash and you don’t know what it means. Is this something serious? Do you need to take the car in right away? Can this be… Read more
5 Things You Should Do to Make Your Car Greener (No, We Don’t Mean Paint)
If you’ve been thinking about buying an electric vehicle, hybrid, or just a more fuel-efficient car, good for you! There are lots of ways that we can help to protect the planet and leave less of a carbon footprint. What can you do, however, if you can’t pull out a small fortune for one of… Read more
Top 3 Finishing Touches before Your Summer Road Trip
It’s not surprising that more and more people are opting to hit the open road for their summer vacation this year. After being cooped up in the house all year, it seems like everyone is dying for open spaces, forests, national parks, and/or the beach. A road trip means no waiting in crowded airports, no… Read more
5 Simple Things to Consider about New Vs. Old Car
One of the most annoying things about car ownership is breakdowns. One day it’s a minor repair, a week later it’s another repair, and the next month the car takes the big vacation and decides it needs some major work. Not only is being without a car frustrating and a huge hassle, but let’s face… Read more
Want to Improve Your Car’s Performance? Invest in Maintenance
Gas prices are at an all-time low in most of the US. Although many people are driving less due to the coronavirus, there is one thing that many Americans are failing to do and that is to put some of those gas savings back into their vehicle. The fact is that the quarantine and the… Read more
Top 8 Powerful Winter Car Care Mistakes
If winter weather hasn’t hit Chicago by the time you read this, you can bet that it’s on the way. When the weather is frightful, your morning commute can be slow but uneventful or it can be downright nasty. It’s the little things that count and while winter won’t wait, you may have put off… Read more
Strange Car Noises You Should Never Ignore
Have you ever been driving and you are lost in your thoughts about how work would be, what you needed to do after work, and where you would get the money for this, that, and the other thing when suddenly, a noise interrupts your thoughts. What is that strange noise your car is making? What… Read more
Want a Better Road Trip? This One Thing Almost Guarantees It
If you are like everyone else in America, you are sick of the quarantine. Obviously, you want to keep your family safe, but you are probably experiencing a bit of cabin fever by now. Doesn’t a road trip sound divine? Camping in the woods or a sweet little hotel by a beach not far from… Read more
Why You Should Skip the Dealer and go to an Independent Car Repair Shop
If your new, or nearly new, a vehicle needs repair or maintenance, you should take it to the dealer, right? Not necessarily. Many people mistakenly believe that taking their car to the dealership is their only option. Or, they believe that the dealer somehow is “better” than the average independent repair shop. Both are incorrect.… Read more
Transmission Flush or Fluid Change? Which Does Your Car Need?
One thing most people love about their cars is that automatic transmissions seem to develop few, if any, problems. There isn’t much effort when it comes to keeping your automatic transmission running smoothly. Simply follow the manufacturer’s maintenance schedule, right? However, what do you do if you have an older vehicle and the mileage goes… Read more
5 Things Your Check Engine Light is Trying to Tell You
Is there anything that can strike more fear in your heart than seeing that blazing Check Engine light – besides a semi driving straight for you? OK, maybe red lights flashing in your rear-view mirror, but you get the idea. What does the Check Engine light mean? You shut off the radio, yell at the… Read more
13 Winter Driving Hacks to Put Some Fun Back into Cold-Weather Driving
There is very little to smile about when it comes to driving in the winter in the windy city. Did you know that one of the oldest names for Chicago is Mud City? Doesn’t it feel as if that name should still apply? That or Slush Heaven, it’s a toss-up. When the cold weather has… Read more