Oil Changes, Brakes and Car Maintenance


Feeling brakes grind and pulse during a near collision surely is a teeth-clenching experience.

If you notice screeching brakes, a soft brake pedal, leaking brake fluid or your ABS warning light, it’s time to schedule an appointment with Hong Kong Auto Service.

If you have a question or concern about the condition of your brakes, we will perform a FREE VISUAL BRAKE INSPECTION that looks at your:

  • Brake pads and/or brake shoes
  • Brake calipers
  • Brake rotors and/or drums
  • Brake hardware
  • Brake fluid

If you have a more serious braking issue, such an ABS light, we can also troubleshoot that. This is not included in the free inspection. Ask us about our diagnostic services.

Maintenance Tip: Brake-fluid flushing is important for all braking systems but it’s vital for vehicles with antilock brakes (ABS) because the brake-pumping motor can accumulate dirt or moisture and transfer those contaminants to the brake fluid. Replacing a pump is anything but cheap, making preventive maintenance a true bargain.


Think about preventive auto care like visiting the doctor before you’re sick: You can catch minor car care issues before they turn into major repairs.

When we don’t feel quite right, it’s usually a signal to us to see our doctor for a checkup. The same thing goes for automobiles. Why not enjoy a smooth-running machine and the peace of mind a well-maintained vehicle brings instead of worrying about that noise you’ve been ignoring?

Tasks like checking fluid levels and changing filters might seem trivial, but they make a big difference in preserving your vehicle’s vim and vigor. Unlike humans, cars do have maintenance schedules. Detailed in your owner’s manual, these schedules recommend maintenance services at specific mileage or time intervals and often include:

  • Oil changes
  • Changing air filters
  • Flushing coolant
  • Changing fuel filters
  • Flushing the transmission fluid
  • Rotating and balancing tires
  • Replacing the spark plugs
  • Aligning wheels
  • Replacing the timing belt

When you trust your car to the technicians at Hong Kong Auto Service, they will inspect it and advise you of your maintenance needs. This not only helps you stay on top of your maintenance schedule, it can also catch developing problems, which saves you money, time and aggravation.