Author: benchung
Three Things Every Car Owner Must Understand about Oil Changes
Doing an oil change on your car used to be the simplest thing ever. Every 3,000 miles or so, you would drain the oil into a pan, add a new filter, and refill the motor with whatever type of oil your dad or mom told you was best. End of story. Things are not that… Read more
Transmission Flush or Fluid Change? Which Does Your Car Need?
One thing most people love about their cars is that automatic transmissions seem to develop few, if any, problems. There isn’t much effort when it comes to keeping your automatic transmission running smoothly. Simply follow the manufacturer’s maintenance schedule, right? However, what do you do if you have an older vehicle and the mileage goes… Read more
5 Things Your Check Engine Light is Trying to Tell You
Is there anything that can strike more fear in your heart than seeing that blazing Check Engine light – besides a semi driving straight for you? OK, maybe red lights flashing in your rear-view mirror, but you get the idea. What does the Check Engine light mean? You shut off the radio, yell at the… Read more
The Best Transmission Advice You Probably Aren’t Taking
Does your car have an automatic transmission? When was the last time you changed the fluid? When was the last time you had the transmission flushed? Chances are that you are scratching your head trying to remember. Or, perhaps you are thinking, “That’s just some mechanics way to make money off you. Transmission fluid gets… Read more
13 Winter Driving Hacks to Put Some Fun Back into Cold-Weather Driving
There is very little to smile about when it comes to driving in the winter in the windy city. Did you know that one of the oldest names for Chicago is Mud City? Doesn’t it feel as if that name should still apply? That or Slush Heaven, it’s a toss-up. When the cold weather has… Read more
8 Fabulous Car-Themed Holiday Gift Ideas
The holidays might seem far away, but they will be here sooner than you know it. Now is the perfect time to start checking off those people on your holiday list who mean the most. Find the perfect car-themed holiday gift that keeps giving throughout the year for your loved ones that commute. These are… Read more
Why Tire Pressure and the TPMS Matters
OK, we get it. Tire pressure is BORING. Unless the tire is flat, who cares, right? And that tire pressure warning light on the dash: It will go away sooner or later, won’t it? While tire pressure may not be the most fascinating subject in your day, it matters more you realize. Especially if the… Read more
6 Reasons Why Your Car Won’t Start and What To Do About It
Is there anything in life more frustrating than getting ready to leave work and feeling so thankful that the day is over, but when you turn the key to start the car. . . nothing. Or maybe you hear that cranking sound, and the car won’t start. Other times, the car makes a clicking sound,… Read more
10 Car Care Basics for Young Drivers
Car Care 101 for Teen, College and New Drivers This is Part 2 of 2. Read Part 1. So, your kid is finally on their way to college. Or you have a high school grad who managed to land a terrific after-school job. Whether they’re borrowing your car or have their own, there are some… Read more
Before You Give Your Kids the Car, Teach Them These 10 Things
Car Basics Every Driver Should Know This is Part 1 of 2. Read Part 2. It will soon be back-to-school time, and your young driver will be headed off to college or high school in their first set of wheels. You might feel proud and a bit nostalgic to give your son or daughter the… Read more
Does My Car REALLY Need a Coolant Flush?
How often should you change your vehicle’s coolant—or antifreeze, as it is sometimes called? Should you simply drain and replace the coolant, or do you really need that flush your mechanic is talking about? These are two very common questions, and they both have different answers, which can make this seem all the more confusing.… Read more
Planning a Summer Road Trip? 6 Mobile Apps to Make the Ride Smoother, More Fun
Summer vacation season is almost upon us, and if you are looking to get out of town with your family on a driving trip, it is always nice to find things that will help pass the time. And you may not realize, there are a ton of apps to help with car travels. Some… Read more