Author: benchung
How to save money on auto repair
I think it’s safe to say we’re all a little more money-conscious today than we were a decade ago. And while spending more carefully is often for the better, this philosophy can backfire if you regularly choose an auto repair shop based on the lowest quoted price. Going for the “cheapest” auto repair generally gives… Read more
Fun family car games for your summer travels
Everyone who has ever taken a trip with kids knows that in addition to snacks, entertainment for the journey is a must. One way to keep the “are we there yet?” questioning to a minimum is to keep everyone’s attention diverted with games and activities. And while hand-held video games and portable DVD players can… Read more
Planning a driving vacation? How to make sure your car is ready for summer travels
Think about your last family vacation. You packed clothes for any weather you might encounter and enough snacks to survive a zombie apocalypse, programmed your GPS and took your dog to the kennel. But did you spend any time making sure your vehicle was ready for the long haul as you wave goodbye to Wilmette for a… Read more
Go green to save money, help the Earth
When you think about taking care of the environment, cars and trucks probably don’t jump to the top of your “green” list. But there are a variety of ways that drivers can get on the green bandwagon. Getting your car serviced regularly is one of the most important things you can do to minimize emissions… Read more
Rebuilt parts are a great way to go green and save money
Question: My car needed a new alternator recently, and the service advisor at your auto repair shop suggested installing a remanufactured unit. Will a rebuilt alternator last as long as a new one? Answer: Yes, your service advisor was correct, and there are a lot of financial and environmental reasons for choosing rebuilt parts! According to… Read more
Pothole damage? Shocks, struts and alignment can be affected
[youtube] You might get a heated argument over whether spring, summer, fall or winter is the best season, but everyone seems to agree on the worst: pothole season. And this year already has produced a bumper crop of impressive pothole specimens. These holes can do a lot of damage to tires, wheel rims, shocks… Read more
Trivia: What to do when you slip on the ice with anti-lock brakes
This winter has been full of snow and ice. If you hit a slippery patch on the road and your car has anti-lock brakes, you should: A. Throw on the hazards and turn the steering wheel violently from side to side. B. Pump the brakes hard and fast to the beat of your favorite tune.… Read more
Timing belt replacement can save you hundreds of dollars
[youtube=] For many of us, replacing our vehicle’s timing belt isn’t a top-of-mind activity. But knowing when this critical engine part needs to be replaced can save you hundreds of dollars and a sudden, aggravating breakdown. Here’s why… When it comes to timing belts, it’s all in the name. The timing belt keeps your car’s… Read more
Preventive maintenance is key to saving money on car repairs
Spending several hundred dollars every year on vehicles that seem to be running just fine doesn’t sound like a good idea on the surface, but maintaining your car or truck has a big impact on your bottom line. Not only does regular auto repair prevent bigger, costlier repairs, but it preventive maintenance also helps prolong… Read more