Author: benchung
Low tire pressure? Warning signs you can’t ignore
On a recent service visit, a young couple shared the adventures they had on a recent weekend road trip. Their destination: a favorite apple orchard. Before they left, they filled up the gas tank, checked the oil, buckled in the kids and took off. However, a glowing orange light on their dash almost ruined their… Read more
We offer service with a SMILE
When weekend warriors head to the hardware store for supplies to paint their family room, their to-buy list may include paint, paint brushes and drop cloths. However, from the moment they enter the store, the retail team guides them through the buying process to ensure they leave with everything they need. In the paint department,… Read more
3 benefits of a used car inspection
Congratulations, you’re ready to purchase your next set of pre-owned wheels. Before you cough up the cash, we highly recommend a used vehicle inspection to save you time, money and frustration down the road. Here are three benefits of a used vehicle inspection: 1. A pre-purchase inspection gives you extra assurance. Schedule a pre-purchase inspection… Read more
College or bust! Fill up on vehicle back-to-school basics
Before you hit the books, pick up your owner’s manual to ensure your car is roadworthy and in tip-top shape for the commute back to school. This manual is your go-to-guide to ensure your wheels get you where you need to go all semester long. Parents, it’s never too early to school your kids on… Read more
Phone estimates rarely ring true
Remember the old Phone First ad campaign? Its spirited little jingle implored people not to waste time and gas visiting stores that were closed or out of a certain item, but to get on the horn instead. That logic works OK for checking on inventory or asking about operating hours, but not so great for… Read more
Auto innovations promise safety and convenience
Baby-boomer mythology had a generation believing we’d already be at least 10 years into commuting to work in personal rocket packs, jettisoning from home to office to shopping center to wherever. So much for yesterday’s predictions. But excitement exists today on the automotive horizon for some great gadgets that are just around the corner or… Read more
Three reasons you may be cheating yourself with a quick oil change
Are quick oil change stations like drugstore reading glasses? We think so and here’s why: 1. Cheaters are a quick solution to an immediate need, reading things close-up when your vision is blurry. Nothing more. An oil change at an oil change station is a quick solution to the immediate need to keep your car’s… Read more
A great summer vacations starts with a safe arrival
Sunnier Chicago days signal summer soon will be sizzling. No doubt, Winnetka motorists are ready to embrace the warm weather, but how about our cars? If a vacation vs. a staycation is in your family’s forecast, it makes sense to ensure your vehicle is up for the rigors of the open road. Don’t take for… Read more
8 tips for greening your ride – without buying a hybrid
Just a few years ago, the notion of driving a lean, mean green machine was the pursuit of a minority of the American driving public. But now, it’s easy to find yourself among drivers seeking a “green” machine that adheres to the reuse-repurpose-recycle motto more than the commandment: “On your mark, get set, GO.” Economic… Read more
How to tell if winter took its toll on your suspension, steering or wheel alignment
The winter surely took its toll on our Wilmette roads by creating potholes, humps and bumps. These telltale signs of a Midwestern winter also might have done a number on your vehicle’s suspension and wheel alignment. Many of us think shock absorbers and struts exist merely to provide a comfortable ride by minimizing the effect… Read more
Consumers prefer independent auto shops to their new car dealers
Consumers prefer independent auto repair shops like Hong Kong Auto Service over new car dealers, according to an annual survey from Consumer Reports. In the annual survey, conducted by the Consumer Reports National Research Center, independent auto shops outscored dealership service departments for overall satisfaction, price, quality, courteousness of the staff, and work being completed when… Read more
Driving escapes to lift the winter blues
If the idea of 6 more weeks of winter has you feeling blue, here are 6 of our favorite Midwest driving getaways to help you warm your spirits until spring arrives: Ski and snowshoe on the St. Croix River: Looking for somewhere new to ski or snowshoe? Check out the St. Croix River in Minnesota’s… Read more