Author: benchung
Our top 8 picks for fun family car trip games
For many families, the holidays are synonymous with long car rides to Grandma’s, Aunt Sally’s and Cousin Bob’s. And even though iPads, portable DVD players and portable video games go a long way to keeping the troops entertained, you can also use old-fashioned car games to liven up the ride and create an opportune bonding… Read more
Hitting the road this holiday season? How to make sure your car is ready for the trip
Thanksgiving is one of the busiest holidays on the highway. Whether you’re heading north to Wisconsin or west to Iowa, make sure your car is up to the task. Nothing puts a damper on a holiday trip like an unexpected breakdown. Practical Items First – Scheduling For your own benefit, we recommend scheduling your pre-trip… Read more
Being haunted by car noises? Take our Halloween quiz to find out how to banish the ghosts and goblins
It’s that time of year when we welcome the cool fall air, relish the colorful leaves…and start to be haunted by vehicle noises that, somehow, weren’t there all summer long. It’s okay! There’s no need to be spooked by scary sounds lurking under your hood. At Hong Kong Auto Service, we can drive away the most… Read more
Why outfit your foreign car with winter tires?
Installing snow tires on your import automobile is a hot idea for the cold weather. While you’re probably not going to drive your BMW on the Bavarian Alps any time soon, your vehicle equipped with snow tires will be able to easily handle any snow-covered roads in Wilmette. We understand the appeal of “all-season tires”:… Read more
You can crack the dashboard lights code
Q. I am worried my college-age students might not recognize the warning lights on the dashboard or not pay attention to them at all. Can you provide me with a quick guide to dashboard lights? A. As your kids head off to college, it is important to “school” them on what all the dashboard… Read more
Why does tire repair cost so much?
Question: I got a flat tire last weekend on Lake Shore Drive in the city and had to use a shop there to repair it. The cost was $40! Why was the repair so much? I remember paying $10 for a tire patch. —Deflated in Wilmette Answer: Well, years ago patching a tire was a 10-minute repair job.… Read more
6-point checklist to get your car ready for spring!
The winter season is finally behind us! However, the harsh cold and wintry mix from “Old Man Winter” may have caused long-term effects on your car. Frigid temperatures, potholes, road salt and more can to do a number on your vehicle. Some of the casualties caused by wintry conditions are wheels knocked out of alignment… Read more
What it takes to diagnose that “Check Engine” light
Lights we like: strong high beams, assertive signals and gently illuminated speedometers and fuel gauges. The not-so-welcome list: amber, yellow or red lights announcing “Check Engine,” “Service Engine Soon,” “Check” or “SES”—often with a neon-like automobile-engine outline. Don’t sweat it. The infamous and somewhat vague Check Engine light actually is relatively benign vs. other warning… Read more
Wheels and Deals: Cutting Car Ownership Costs
Lots of vehicle owners chalk up car-ownership costs mainly to the price at the pump or unexpected repairs, but other factors figure big-time in calculating how much your set of wheels truly is costing. Driving style, preventive maintenance and insurance options all contribute to how much you’re paying (and could be saving). Read more
Breathe easier with a new cabin air filter
Suffering from winter wheeze? You know…that raspy-hacky throat thing stemming from months of frigid temps, dry-as-desert home-heating systems and, perhaps, a skipped furnace filter swap (or two). Your car also could be a culprit…if it’s overdue for a cabin air filter change. Read more
Seeing is believing! Headlight restoration improves nighttime driving
Are you squinting or straining your eyes when driving at night? After you’ve confirmed with your eye doctor you don’t need new glasses, look no further than your car’s headlights. Are your lights cloudy, hazy or just not as bright as they use to be? Dingy or dull lenses happen when the UV coating on… Read more